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AI CyberSecurity Alert Triage Platform

Cyhub can triage alerts so you can focus on investigation. AI — best answer for Alert Triage. AI technology is capable of assimilating the process of alert triage and applying it to all alerts without time or resource limitations.


CyHub takes one step further and enables the analysts to provide feedback to the AI model to tailor the process to their needs.

Integrating intelligent automation in the alert triage process reduces alert fatigue. CyHub automates the alert triage process taking the strain of analyzing thousands of alerts daily from your analysts. This gives your security team more time to thoroughly address real threats rather than to identify them.

Consolidate group knowledge and improve incident response time. CyHub enables users to give feedback to the AI model through an intuitive UI without the need for coding knowledge, thus your analysts can directly influence the results and actions of CyHub. On top of that, CyHub collects the knowledge of all your experts not only in terms of security but also in terms of your organization’s distinctiveness.

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